Brigid Oil
The Lady of the Ashless Flame.
Brigid is a great goddess of healing, music, poetry, prophecy, and smithcraft. She is the matron of artisans, artists, and livestock. Brigid presides over the production of ale. She protects women in childbirth and may be petitioned for fertility.
Brigid has dominion over wisdom, education, and learning. She is associated with sacred fires and holy wells.
A master shape shifter- not only able to shift into any form she manifests, but shifts her energy to meet the needs of her devotees. The ultimate mother. Sacred to her are the flowers of early spring, cows, and bees.
Brigid is said to have invented the first whistle intended for women to keep them safe for sexual assault. Brigid is a triple goddess (maiden, mother, and crone) but can also take the form of fire or a serpent. She is often seen with a serpent around her neck or wearing as a crown.
This oil was crafted with an organic grape seed carrier oil, infused with red clover blossoms, willow bark, and an essential oil blend. Use this oil to anoint candles in her honor, or use in ritual to invoke her.